Fastest Way to Lose Belly and Hips Fat

Fastest Way to Lose Belly and Hips Fat

Fat in unaesthetic no matter the areas where is depositing on the body. Fighting against belly and hips fat is one of the hardest things. In this article you will find out the fastest way to lose belly and hips fat. But you also have to keep in mind that you have to make sport and have a suitable diet if you want to get rid definitely of belly and hips fat.

Scientists have revealed that belly and hips fat can be removed relatively easily by exposure to low temperatures. They accelerate fat burning by about 300%. Obviously, it is desirable to respect a healthy diet, in which will be eliminated sweets, pastries, fried foods and juices. However, any physical activity, even a daily walk for 40-45 minutes in a fast rhythm, will fasten the process of fat burning.

Fastest Way to Lose Belly and Hips Fat

Fastest Way to Lose Belly and Hips Fat

Scientists from Maastricht University claim that fat burning can be stimulated  if you apply ice bags on targeted areas for 30-60 minutes. This process has to be repeated daily for two weeks.

In this way, skin temperature will drop, which will help transform white fat to brown fat, which is much more easier to be metabolised by the body. Although it helps to get rid very easy of the belly and hips fat, this method has a drawback: the risk of frostbite. To not experiencing this problem, remove the ice packages from your body from time to time.

Frostbites symptoms are redness and slight pain in the area where is the ice, tingling, numbness and blisters feeling. If you find that any of these symptoms, remove the packages of ice and cover your belly area with a blanket. Do not cover with anything warm and do not massage that area.
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How to Lose Weight Naturally in 30 Days

How to Lose Weight Naturally in 30 Days

These are the top ten ways targeted at people who are fat, overweight or obese to lose weight in just 30 days. These tips and tricks for losing weight are disclosed based upon the suggestions of physicians or medical experts and can be useful for people of all ages.

Here are some of the top best home remedies that help you lose weight faster! These tips are really helpful for you to lose weight as soon as possible. If you follow these tips sincerely then you can cut off those pounds in 30 days. Following are the best tips that are going to be recommended for you to get you a toned and attractive physique.

How to Lose Weight Naturally in 30 Days

1. Burn Fats And Calories:

One of the best ways to burn fats and calories in the body is exercising daily for a couple of hours. Exercise helps you stay fit and also keeps you from the diseases caused by excess fats. Taking instructions of a physician is recommended to perform any type of exercise, which helps you follow a schedule. Exercise should be done based on the age and weight of the body.

2. Healthy Diet to Lose Weight:

Improper diet also results to weight gaining and health problems. Fast foods and junk food which we commonly eat these days produce lot of calories and fats in the body. In order to get rid of those fats and reduce weight, we should get rid of the habit of eating such food. If these steps are followed weight loss can be seen around 2 weeks.

3. Leave Carbonated Beverages:

Carbonated beverages that we get like fizzy drinks, packed juices effect you body and leads to increase in the weight of the body because of the calories that are present in them. Carbonated beverages can be replaced by Natural fruit juices which are rich in nutrition and contains low calories which keep you fit.

4. Eating vegetables to lose weight:

Fiber contents, proteins and vitamins that are present in the vegetables help you stay healthy. Appetite can be maintained by replacing meals with steamed vegetables in which there are low calories but rich in nutrition. This habit helps you lose weight and look fit.

5. Eating fruits to lose weight:

Carbonates, Vitamins, Proteins and fiber contents are rich in fruits which help in increasing the nutrition levels. Fruits have similar advantages as vegetables which help in maintaining health and suppress the appetite. Fruits can be replaced with meals in order to maintain low calorie intake and high nutrition.

6. Avoid snacks to lose weight:

Having snacks now and then also leads in weight gain and add extra calories and fats that are harmful to the body. This makes the body shapeless. Avoiding such snacks like finger chips, cookies, burgers etc  help you cut the extra fats and keeps you fit and healthy.

7. Stop eating sugar lose weight fast:

Sugar also produces an extra fatty substance in the body that makes you unfit and causes health problems. Reducing intake of sweet substances helps you maintain the body. Making a habit taking fruit juice or tea without sugar keeps you fit and away from fats which causes weight gain.

8. Reduce sodium lose weight:

Salt contains large amounts of sodium that affect the body causing weight gain. Limiting the intake of salty substances in food that we take daily reduces water retention that makes you look fat. Many researches also proved that excess sodium causes weight gain, to lose weight care should be taken in eating salty substances.

9. Herbal Tea to lose weight:

Antioxidants that is present in the herbal tea helps in fat burning process. It is available anywhere in the market, having herbal tea without adding sugar to it shows best results in weight loss. Toxins and harmful nitrogenous waste present in the body are pulled out by having herbal tea or green tea leading to lose excess weight.

The weight loss tips that are mentioned about are very useful in shedding those extra pounds, but you have to follow the tips with lot of dedication and patience. It is a very gradual process so never lose heart or get depressed.

Shedding weight is not a tough process but maintaining this toned physique later on is a very difficult job. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the above tips and tricks to reduce weight in just 30 days.
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1 Ingredient to Lose Weight

1 Ingredient to Lose Weight

Pomegranate is one of the best fruits in the planet, it's full of benefits. Along with many health benefits pomegranate also useful in helping people to lose weight, because it cleanses and gives energy to the body. It can help to lower blood pressure and help to prevent cancer. Eat pomegranate it can helping to prevent hardening arteries during attempts to lose weight.

1 Ingredient to Lose Weight

In addition to several other benefits of Pomegranate, among them: Promotes healthier and younger looking skin, Removes harmful waste and toxins, fights and fatigue and increase energy levels...

Pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than grape juice,  green tea and blueberry... Pomegranate juice can deflate muffin tops and belly fat, helps promote skin repair, appreciably lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol in saliva, boost sexual desire, can also calm nerves and boost memory.

As well pomegranate supplements help you to clean your body and losing weight.
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Killer Thigh Butt Workout

Killer Thigh Butt Workout

Lunges and squats are often referred to as the masters of lower body exercises. In addition to your legs, these functional, compound exercises also work your buttocks.

However, poor form, a muscle imbalance, the consistent overload on your knees, and the repetitive motion, can make these exercises wreak havoc on your knees.

Not to fear, you can still strengthen and shape your glutes with do-able, effective exercise that are easy on your knees. Here are 6 effective exercises that will get your butt round and firm while keeping your knees safe.

Killer Thigh Butt Workout

1. Glute Bridge

The bridge exercise effectively works your glutes, while also engaging your legs and calves. During this exercise you’re lying face up on the floor with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, flat on the floor.

After engaging your abs, raise your hips, lifting your butt and lower back off the floor. When your body is aligned from your knees to your shoulders, squeeze your buttocks for two seconds, and then slowly return to the starting point. Finish at least eight repetitions and two sets.

2. Hip Extensions

Hip extensions can work your glutes without hurting your knees. One option is to use a low-cable pulley with a cuff attachment that you secure around one ankle. While standing on a 5-inch platform, you extend your hip, pulling your leg about 15 degrees back against the selected resistance. Contract your glutes, and return to the starting point.

Another way to do hip extensions is by lying face down on a bench with your hips hanging over the edge. Raise one or both legs (this can be done with bent knees or straight legs) until they’re parallel to the floor, hold the tension in your buttocks for two seconds, and return to the starting point. Perform up to three sets of eight to 12 hip extensions.

3. Clams

A great abduction exercise that is extra important for anyone with a hip or lower back injury.The clam exercise helps shape your buttocks while you’re lying on your side – this move can be done with just bodyweight or with a mini band.

Your thighs should be at a 90-degree angle to your torso, and your knees should be bent about 120 degrees, so your feet are almost below your buttocks.

To activate your glutes, raise your top knee about 4 inches, while keeping your feet on top of each other. Imagine that your legs are a clamshell that’s opening and closing. Hold the contraction in your buttocks for two seconds, and return to the starting point.

4. Donkey Kick

This bent-knee quadrupe move is a great way to target your glute maximus and get the muscle activated. Because the knee is bent the focus is more on the glute than the hamstring (if you did a straight leg variation, you could work your hamstring more). And even though you won’t use super heavy weights with this quadrupe move, it actually helps you activate MORE glute muscle fibers than a deadlift or squat would.

To do the Donkey Kick, start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Flex your feet. Then, keeping your arms straight and your right knee bent, drive your right foot up and back toward the ceiling.

If you are using it to warm up, do it with only very light weight. If it is part of your workout, feel free to weight it down!
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9 Foods I Removed From My Diet to Lose 115 Pounds

9 Foods I Removed From My Diet to Lose 115 Pounds

Losing weight is hard.

You have to work off more than you take in, and sometimes burning 3500 calories over your intake seems like a lot of work just to lose 1 pound.

In the beginning of my -115lb weight loss, I incorporated everything I used to eat into my new lifestyle. However, over time I have eliminated many of these food items to aid my weight loss.

9 Foods I Removed From My Diet to Lose 115 Pounds

1. Soda
It should not be surprising that the carbonated sweet drinks are #1 on my list. Diet sodas are full of chemicals and artificial sweeteners known to actually slow your weight loss, and the non-diet versions can add tons of unnecessary sugar and calories.

2. Chips out of the bag or Crackers out of the box.
I spent a lot of years mindlessly snacking through my favorite television programs and binge-eating while I binge-watched Netflix. So rather than eat from the container and end up overeating, now I either buy the pre-portioned packages or I portion my snack out into a small bowl. Then the bowl, the single serving and I can watch “Gilmore Girls” while the box goes back in the cupboard.

3. Cheese Slices.
Don’t get me wrong, cheese is delicious and I still eat my fair share. But I found that when I had cheese slices in my home, I would find an excuse to eat them with everything. So these, my friends, are known as a “trigger food” for me. Some trigger foods (like peanut M&Ms) I have learned to moderate and manage, but cheese slices are on the permanent no-fly list in my house because I can’t!

4. Yogurt that tastes like a fruit but doesn’t contain any of that fruit.
I watched Super Size Me last year and when they got to the portion about artificial flavors, I was sick to my stomach. Food companies have created many chemicals that taste just like a fruit, a flavor combo or even smell like a flame-grilled burger. Nothing was more shocking to me than yogurt, which contains a lot of things under the umbrella of “natural flavors” that you wouldn’t eat if you knew they were in there.

5. Foods I Don’t Want or Need But Take Because I’m Afraid to Offend Anyone.
We all have a food pusher in our life. You’ll recognize them because they’re the ones who say, “Oh, you can have a little!” Or “One bite won’t kill you!”
I have stopped taking food for fear of offending these people. My journey is about me, not them, and I trust myself to know what I need best. Sometimes I can plan ahead and work in a small portion of what they’ll be pushing, but sometimes I need to just say, “No, thank you!” or “Oh, thank you but none for me today!” and give myself permission to feel good about making a decision that’s right for me. I used to feel a little selfish about it, but now I realize that it’s taking care of myself, and I’m worth it!

6. Low fat or Fat free Cheese or Butter.
I love me some butter and I really love me some cheese. Blue, feta, cheddar, Swiss… Goat, Brie, mozzarella… Put cheese on pretty much anything and I’m in. So because my love for cheese is real, true love and I know it’s going to last forever, I know I need to learn how to eat it in moderation. I also know if I can’t just have one portion, I need to learn how to balance that cheesy goodness with lighter meals throughout the day. So rather than substitute the low fat cheese I do not love, I’m learning how to eat the cheese I love more sensibly.

7. Drive-Thru Meals.
This is a bit of a controversy, because many chains offer healthy alternatives at their restaurants now, and they’re no better or worse than what you make at home. But, this grab-n-go eating forces us to eat mindlessly while we drive, feed a kiddo and negotiate traffic. We don’t get to savor and truly enjoy our meal, and I derive so much satisfaction from sitting down, taking a minute to breathe and really enjoying my meal.

8. “Fake” Sugar.
I know, I know, you were expecting this too. But it’s true, these artificial sweeteners have tons of chemicals, tons of preservatives and can actually slow, yes slow, your weight loss. I grew up in a house with pink, a little blue and than yellow packets, and I can tell you, I don’t miss them today. I choose stronger coffee, ice my coffee and sometimes use great half and half in my coffee, which is worth the calories/points and totally enhances, not masks, the flavor of the beans.

9. Anything that doesn’t taste as good as it looks.
We have a cake at least once a month in my office. Someone gets married, someone has a birthday, someone retires. So it seems like there is always cake in our breakroom. And while sometimes the cake is worth taking a bite (see: cannoli cream), most of the time the cake is day-old, too sugary and just not delicious. It is in these moments that I honestly say “No, thank you!” and not feel bad about saving my intake for things that taste as great as they look!

What do you think? Did you incorporate everything you ate before into your new menus, or did you eliminate certain foods to aid your weight loss? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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9 Simple Changes That Will Get Rid of Your Belly Fat For Good

9 Simple Changes That Will Get Rid of Your Belly Fat For Good

Belly fat is actually good for you. Yes, it’s true. Belly fat protects your stomach, intestines, and other delicate organs. But with many things in life, too much of a good thing is actually bad for you – and that goes the same for belly fat.

Extra belly fat, or visceral fat causes inflammation that can contribute to problems like heart disease and diabetes. So, it’s pretty simple, you reduce excess belly fat, you reduce the risk of inflammation and diseases. To help supercharge your ability to burn belly fat, you just have to look at the daily choices you make. Here are 9 simple changes that can lead to huge reduction in belly fat.

9 Simple Changes That Will Get Rid of Your Belly Fat For Good

1. Eat fat to shed fat

To shed belly fat, it’s good to eat fat—specifically monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). When researchers in one study asked women to switch to a 1,600-calorie, high-MUFA diet, they lost a third of their belly fat in a month. MUFAs are satiating, so they help you eat fewer poor-quality foods.

Belly blaster:
Have a serving of MUFAs—like a handful of nuts, a tablespoon of olive oil, or a quarter of an avocado—with every meal and snack.
2. Get In The Mood

Women with depressive symptoms were far more likely to have extra belly fat. That may be because depression is linked to reduced physical activity and poor eating habits.

Belly blaster:
Exercise! It improves levels of brain chemicals that regulate metabolism of fat, as well as your mood. This enhances your motivation to do other things that help ward off depression, like seeing friends. But if you’re so bummed out that you don’t want to do things you used to enjoy, it’s time to seek the help of a therapist.
3. Your Food Comes In Packages

Simple carbs (like chips) and added sugar (in items like sweetened drinks) cause your blood sugar to spike, which triggers a flood of insulin—a hormone that encourages your liver to store fat in your middle.

Belly blaster:
Instead of focusing on cutting out junk, center your efforts on adding in healthy fare (think extra servings of vegetables at each meal). Filling your tank with high-quality fuel thwarts hunger, making you eat less.
4. Eat More Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium regulates more than 300 functions in the body. No surprise, then, that a 2013 study found that people who consumed more of it had lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Belly blaster:
At least twice a day, reach for magnesium-rich foods such as dark leafy greens, bananas, and soybeans.
5. Quit Drinking Diet Soda

A recent study found that diet soda drinkers were more likely to have a high percentage of fat in their bellies. The researchers think that diet drinkers may overestimate the calories they’re “saving,” and then overeat.

Belly blaster:
If you’re not ready to kick your habit, the researchers suggest reducing the number of food calories in your diet.
6. Reduce Intake of Red Meat

When Swedish researchers gave one group of adults 750 extra daily calories, mainly from saturated fat, and another group the same amount of calories but mostly from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for seven weeks, the saturated fat group accumulated two times as much visceral fat.

Belly blaster:
Dine on fatty fish like salmon or trout once a week to get a good dose of PUFAs. The rest of the time, reduce your intake of red meat and opt instead for protein low in saturated fat, such as legumes and chicken.
7. Reduce Alcohol Intake

According to a 2013 Danish study, beer may indeed be linked with abdominal obesity. And though beer appears to have the greatest impact, wine won’t save you from a spare tire: One study found that the amount of alcohol of any type that women drank contributed to weight gain.

Belly blaster:
Stick with seven or fewer alcoholic beverages a week. Light to moderate drinkers are the least likely to carry excess weight anywhere.
8. Add Bright Colors To Your Meals

Brightly colored fruits and veggies are loaded with vitamin C, which reduces cortisol. What’s more, a recent study showed that people who ate more of the nutrients in red, orange, and yellow produce had smaller waists as a result.

Belly blaster:
Add color to your plate by topping fish with a mango salsa, or throw diced red pepper into your turkey meatballs.
9. Get Sweaty

Research has shown that high-intensity interval training, or HIIT—bursts of vigorous activity followed by short periods of gentle activity or rest—boasts belly-shrinking benefits. High-intensity exercise seems to be more effective at reducing insulin, triglycerides, and cortisol, and it burns more calories in less time, too.

Belly blaster:
If you enjoy biking or running, for example, accelerate to a pace that makes it hard to talk for two minutes; then slow down for a minute, and repeat until you’re done. Like resistance training? Try a series of moves like squats or push-ups for two minutes each with a 60-second break between them.
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Remove Dark Circles And Under Eye Bags With Baking Soda

Remove Dark Circles And Under Eye Bags With Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate normally called baking soda is an ingredient found in almost every kitchen and has ton of uses. Baking soda is frequently used in cooking and cleaning purposes, apart from that it has many of the health benefits. It can be used for anti-inflammatory purposes, take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in one glass of water and mix it well then drink it. Having said that it is considered to be a genius beauty product.
Today in this post we will discuss how we can efficiently use baking soda in order to get rid of under eye bags and dark circles. Moreover many of the face masks contain sodium bicarbonate as an important ingredient in it which justifies how effective baking soda can be as a beauty product. Aforementioned recipe is the best ways to treat dark circles and under the eyes bags.

Remove Dark Circles And Under Eye Bags With Baking Soda

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of hot water or tea and mix it well.
  2. Take a pair of cotton pads and soak them in the solution and place them under the eyes.
  3. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off and apply a moisturizer.
Practicing this procedure daily will render amazing results in just a week.
Hope you guys have enjoyed this post. you can give us your feedback, suggestions and ideas via comment box. Stay happy and awesome.
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BOILED EGGS DIET: Lose 11 kg In 2 Weeks!

BOILED EGGS DIET: Lose 11 kg In 2 Weeks!

If you want to obtain results rapidly, the boiled eggs diet is the ideal one. Only several eggs are used and numerous vegetables and citric fruits are included, which comprises a balanced menu. The diet helps you improve the metabolism and burn fat without the annoying feeling of hunger.

It is very important to drink a lot of water. Water hydrates our body and nourishes the cells so that they can remove toxins. Drink at least 8 or more glasses of water a day. Consuming water constantly will help you learn how to distinguish between hunger or just feeling hungry, so you’ll have a more balanced diet.

The rules for this diet are very simple. As in any other diet, it is not allowed to eat ‘garbage’, as: hamburgers, sweets, etc. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and salt. Also, avoid the consumption of sodas and alcohol.

This diet can help you lose up to 11 kg in 2 weeks (any time your body allows it), and the best thing is that you will not have your weight back after you’ve finished this diet!

Here’s the menu for the next 2 weeks. Enjoy!

BOILED EGGS DIET: Lose 11 kg In 2 Weeks!



Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Fruit and 2 slices of wholemeal bread.
Dinner: Cooked chicken and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Cooked chicken and green salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 1 orange.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Cheese low in fat, 1 tomato and 1 slice of wholemeal bread.
Dinner: Cooked chicken and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Fruit.
Dinner: Steamed chicken and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: 2 eggs and steamedvegetables.
Dinner: Fish on barbecue and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Fruit.
Dinner: Steamed chicken and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Chicken with steamed vegetables and tomatosalad.
Dinner: Steamed vegetables.



Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Chicken and big salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs, salad and 1 orange.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: 2 eggs and steamedvegetables.
Dinner: Fish on barbecue and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Cooked chicken and big salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 1 orange.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: 2 eggs, cheese low in fat and steamedvegetables.
Dinner: Steamed chicken and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Tuna salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs and big salad.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Cooked chicken and big salad.
Dinner: Fruits.


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: Steamed chicken and steamedvegetables.
Dinner: The same as lunch.

As you can see, it is a diet low in carbohydrates, so do not forget to consult a doctor before the beginning! The menu is very simple and you will not have problems with carrying it out. To obtain better results, you must do exercise at least 30 minutes a day!
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